In true North Carolinian Style we paid a visit to the annual NC State Fair! Charlie and I have been going for years to enjoy the delectable blooming onions and funnel cakes, of course. Your crazy if you don't like fried bread covered in processed powdered sugar. It's just one night out of the year that we indulge and pretend we are not clogging our arteries. LOL, needless to say, this food got the best of Charlie and he was out like a light by 8:30pm last night. HA, he's such a grandpa. We pretty much just walked around, ate, walked around some more, ate a little bit more, ran into a few Donald Trump supporters handing out bumper stickers and what not, ate some more, and finally called it quits after our lemonade was all watered down. LOL :)
Didn't exactly make the right eating choices last night considering Charlie and I are training for a 8K but it's back to business today :) I swear, well unless of course I get free tickets to the fair before it leaves on the 23rd. :) Yeah, I'm bad, I know, but would you really be turning down some free tickets? Yeah, thought so. Looking to head out to the fair sometime soon? Checkout the discounts and ticket prices here
Deidra Craig