When in Asheville, hike until your legs fall off, and that ladies and gentlemen is exactly what we did. This was our first visit to the NC mountains, and I must say, this place is absolutely breathtaking! It kind of reminded me of Saint Lucia with all the uphill winding roads, but instead of lush green hanging palm trees, it was covered in pine trees, such green pine trees might I add. We stopped at two very cool museums while we were there; a folk art museum and the museum at Grandfather Mountain. I'm not gonna even lie, I  have a huge fear of heights so this was definitely taking a BIG step out on faith to hike up this mountain, but I think I've conquered my fear. In all honesty, it's not so much the heights I'm fearful of as it is the falling to my death. Not to be morbid or anything, but I'd much prefer to go out a different way, perhaps a peaceful sleep near the beach or something, LOL. In any case, I did not fall off a cliff, and Charlie and I made it about halfway up the mountain, success in my eyes. He was a little disappointed, but we simply couldn't walk anymore, our legs were about to give in and we weren't looking forward to a 4 hour drive back to the city. Guess what? We drove 4 hours back to the city, made it home about 8:30ish, just enough time to catch an episode on Netflix.

Hope you had a nice long memorial day weekend and thanks to all those who served and sacrificed their lives for ours. Stay tuned, I have a cute little top I'm featuring on the blog this week and more highlights from my 7 day island adventures, next stop, Saint Lucia! 

Happy week!


Deidra Marie


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