Wedding and pretty petals 
Dinner is served. Main course? Why can of course. 
Lollipops and Laffy Taffy  
Nerds! My all time fav
Pretty lights and table decor
Plants and stuff
Flowers and faux mirrors
Archway swag
Foyer chandler and beautiful center piece  
The beautiful bride
Living room 
Optical allusion. Is this a mirror?
Clearly it's not a mirror, I see no reflection ...
Charlie Boo GQ
MK wanted a pic :) 
Bride and Groom...well...not really 
Pretty garden pic 
Bottoms up!
More mirror shots 
No rain or drizzle can hold me back 
The beautiful bride and groom 
Gifts for me?
Mozart on the keys.
Outdoors center piece 
The Secret Garden 
Custom water bottles 
Cute! Not a calorie in sight! LOL 
Pose for the camera now click click 
What better way to title this post than to channel my inner Prince. Ha! When the rain comes down the frizz goes up. Approximately 2 rain filled weddings this weekend and not a curl in sight! But let me tell you that I had an absolute blast this weekend. Shall I share the deets? The wedding was at a beautiful Victorian style home in Charlotte, NC. The bride was beautiful and she was chauffeured in on her corvette in rain.  Sounds awful but the wedding was absolutely fabulous. The bride was graceful and she handled the rain with ease and poise. Beautiful purple and pinks were all the rage at this event and with umbrella in hand and a bag full of grape and pink flavored Nerds candy, we conquered the house snapping shots of the beautiful landscape and an occasional shot of me :) Charlie and I expected nothing less than elegant. No rain could stop this wedding and the bridal party was all smiles.

All in all, this wedding was elegant, well put together and nothing less than classy. I love the touch of candy scattered all around the house and I truly appreciate the rain as it set the tone for a crisp yet muggy air that smelt of Jasmine, Lavendar and felt like comfort. Who'd thunk a rain-filled wedding day would turn out to be so elegant. Brides to be, don't let the rain rain on your parade, handle it with class and grace and keep trucking! You might find the rain brings blessings for your future and moisture to your hair LOL :)

Till next time!


Deidra Marie 


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