The most random series of events to ever happen on Halloween. While I don't celebrate the holiday, I do indulge in a bit of candy, particularly the bite sized Kit-Kat Bars (LOVE THOSE DERN THINGS) October is always a pretty crazy month for me with the combination fo birthdays, anniversaries and church events galore. I'm officially tired and would like to crawl under my fluffless comforter, indulge in Netflix only to return in 3 days regretting how unproductive I was but satisfied for the rejuvenation. But..as life goes, this will never happen as we have vamped up for the ultimate Thanksgiving and Christmas festivities. 

Shall I start from the beginning? 

Hung out with Darth Vader on Friday at work and ate waaay to many slices of Enzo's Pizza, washed down with my all-time fav, Canada Dry Ginger Ale.  Fast forward to the Saturday Shenanigans which included a combination of work, church and then brushed away to a romantic Hotel in the Hills (North Hills) LOL to celebrate our 5th anniversary in style.  All good eats from Thursday to Sunday and to conclude the weekend, we caught a flick-ironically, it was Burnt. A great film which highlighted the rise, fall and rise of an arrogant sous-chef looking for a comeback in the oh so elegant city of London. The movie was a delightful surprise and I now have a new found respect for the culinary arts. Gosh, the attention to detail is absolutely mind blowing but good food should have no lack in precision, quality, and appearance. It is truly a meticulous field of work which utilizes basic arithmetic, detail, technique and forward thinking. That being said...shall I share some of my food shots?

Indian Cuisine at it's finest 
(Top Left) Gourmet French Toast (Top Right) Warm fudge brownie with gourmet french vanilla ice cream, cherry, chocolate fudge and warm caramel drizzle (Bottom Left) Wood-grilled  salmon and  California blend wood-grilled vegetables, Parmesan mashed potatoes (Bottom right) Tiki Masala and Naan  
So, I guess you would like to see a pic of me and Darth? Here you are. He's actually a cool dude. Definitely not as mean as people portray him to be.

Me and Darth Vader twinning with  the red top and red light saber. :)
Till next time good peoples!


Deidra Marie 


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