I'm sure you've walked into plenty of stores only because you saw that tempting 50% off sale sign sitting outside the store door. The sign lured you in and mysteriously the sale section was calling your name. You find a skirt cuddled away in the corner of the sale section that’s just right for a night out with the girls. The skirt is your size and your now convinced you actually need it; as if it was destiny; it was waiting there just for you to purchase. You know you have a skirt from last year that looks exactly like it! Now the battle begins; you make up justifications as to why you should buy:

“The skirt from last year has a few threads coming out; it's basically on its last leg” 

“I don't even know why I bought that skirt, black is so not my color, it washes me out.”

“They are practically giving this skirt away for free because it's so cheap; I’m actually making money off of this purchase.”

Yep, ladies and gentleman, we’ve all done it! After the purchase, the item may sit in your closet with tags on it for months before we even wear. So how do you know if it’s really a steal?


Can this item be mixed and matched with other pieces in your closet? You want to get your money’s worth out of the pieces you buy. Classic pieces like a little black dress or a solid colored scarf go a long ways because they can easily be paired with the trendy pieces you already own. Unless you have a specific event or outing to attend that requires a specific type of look, stick with pieces that you can reuse. 

For some, final sale is not scary, but we all impulse buy. You may have fallen absolutely in love with the sale piece you’re purchasing and forget to even ask if it’s returnable. It’s not worth your time if you can’t return it. Unless you’re absolutely sure this is an item you would not think twice about bringing back and you’re sure you will actually use this item, I suggest letting it stay on the rack.

You just wanted to get out the house, ease your boredom maybe. This is the worst time to go to the mall or a shopping center because you end up buying stuff you simply do not need. Shop with purpose! Before heading out, check your closet and determine what pieces of your wardrobe can be updated. Window shopping usually leads to buying things that have nothing to do with your lifestyle. If you check out your wardrobe beforehand, you can go to the mall and purchase items you will actually wear, instead of items that you really don’t need. 

I’m guilty of going to the mall to get a gift for a friend or for a family member and end up buying something for myself. Gifting is a tricky thing because you are shopping with purpose but temptation lurks on every corner. You may feel like rewarding yourself for going out to buy a gift for others. It’s so easy to want to buy for yourself while buying for others. Know why you are in the store and leave your own needs at home for another day. Stick to the plan because more often than not, you really don’t need anything. 

If you’re shopping on a budget, take some time to look around. Don’t purchase the first thing you see or purchase from the first store you go into. More often than not, there are better deals at other locations. Sometimes shopping is not convenient, but if you’re willing to do your research you can save a bunch of money.  Avid shoppers do their homework before they spend their hard earned money. Make it worth it! The grass might actually be greener on the other side. Save your money and shop around!

These are just things I think about before purchasing. I’ve had my fair share of shopping mistakes, but once I started thinking about my lifestyle and my needs, I started seeing less items sitting in my closet with tags on it. I started making my purchases count. I had been looking for a denim dress to wear to work and for outings, but shopped around for the best deal and snagged this dress for $15 bucks! Yes, $15 bucks! I was shopping with purpose and with a little research, I found a dress that I can wear multiple ways. If you are on a budget, I’m sure you understand. Make it count!


Deidra Marie 


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