Doak Field, where dreams come true
Snacks on deck
My favorite calorie packed snack
Charlie contemplating whether to purchase one of these sugary packed treats
And one funnel cake for the win!
Extra sugar please
All gone
Assessing the damage
Damage is done
A house divided
NC State!
Adorable ECU fan
Nearing the end
So focused
The huddle
Best pitch of the night!
Fights on the field
Shine bright like a diamond
Take me out to the ball game!
And NC State for the win!
It was a great night to head over to our alma mater and check out a good ol fashion ball game! I've always loved baseball, in fact, I played softball most of high school. Watching a live game is the only way you should watch the game. Between the funnel cakes, french fries, music and die hard fans, you can pretty much have a good time from anywhere in the stands. 

It was NC State vs. East Carolina State University. Talk about a good game. Proud of my school, we took home a win 6-1. A darn good game if I do say so myself. In other news, I took home my denim pants full of powered sugar and a few extra lbs for the win. Definitely going to the gym like 12 times this week. :) 

What a great way to start the week. I have a feeling this week will continue to be amazing! Have an awesome week everyone!


Deidra Marie 


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