I had an amazing time supporting my baby sis at her very first art show this past Friday night! It was a silent auction in Greensboro, NC. Sis had 4 pieces up for bidding. Not bad for her first show, huh? Most of the fam came out to support. I'm pretty sure I embarrassed her with all my pic taking. At first I pretended I didn't know her, walked up to her art and starting asking for pricing to boost interest, because that's what sisters do, LOL. I know, I know, totally embarrassing but well worth the time as people kept walking over to her joker painting considering a bid. It was a long night of hustling but in the end she was happy to have gotten over her fear of crowds, sort of. This was a perfect way to jump start the weekend. I'm so proud of her and looking forward to more art show shenanigans this summer. Don't tell her but now that I have pics of her art, I'm going to start submitting some of it for showcasing. She'll thank me later, ;) 

If your interested in purchasing any of her work, feel free to contact me with pricing.

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Now let the weekday commence. 


Deidra Marie 


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