There's nothing like a blogger meet and greet to get the summer vacay started! I had the most fun hanging out with these beautiful blogger babes. Thanks to Purcado for making this amazing soiree at the Pour Taproom in Durham happen. I've talked a bit about Purcado on the blog before but if you're still itching for more content to read up on and want to learn a little more about the Purcado crew, I suggest you check them out at this link. For all the deets on my blogger feature with Purcado,  go on and click right over here.

Soo.....keep scrolling DOWN DOWN DOWN for all my outfit deets...

So....clearly I didn't get the yellow block heel memo. Don't these ladies look absolutely fab! The tall curly-haired Courtney is a ball of fun. You have to check her out on insta @_cocorenee and the beautiful blonde in that cute floral dress is Erica. She is sweet as pie and her Instagram page @istylediy gives me so much life! 

By the way, while this pic looks like we were just having your standard blogger photoshoot, what you guys don't know is that behind the photographer were 5 latin men with no shirts on shooting a music video. LOL, this is not a joke, this is not a game. Like for real, this really happened. They came over, chatted with us for a bit, then we all got our 15 minutes of fame. Don't freak out, it was a just a small cameo in their video, I doubt they'll even use the footage. Besides, not sure I'd be a good video girl anyway, I smile to darn much. I think they are looking for tall women who rest mean face in a two piece bathing suit, LOL. Anyway, thought I'd share that were famous now. No pictures people, no autographs, and where's my entourage? :) LOL. 

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming....

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I didn't forget, so keep scrolling down for those outfit deets I promised you....

So, you guys know how I am about my rompers. Once summer hits I go romper crazy. The one I'm rocking in this pic is of course, from American Eagle. Here's the link if you're interested in purchasing this cute simple ruffled number. I've really enjoyed this romper because it literally goes with everything in my closet. When in doubt, wear denim. The little blazer I've layered with my romper is a vintage find from the Instagram page 
@ _feliciafaye_vintage. I've been shopping this insta page for sometime now. She always has the brightest colored clothing and you know me, the brighter the better! I highly suggest you check her out on IG if you're looking for something fun, funky, and unique. 

Well, our time has come to an end. Thinking I must do this meet and greet business with these lovely ladies AGAIN. It was nice to just get away, get a couple of ice waters and snacks and learn more about the local bloggers in my area and learn about their brands and of course, take lots of pics. Thanks again to Purcado for making this all happen. I'm so grateful to be a Purcado partner, and I'm looking forward to more shenanigans with all of these amazing beauties. 

Happy hump day to everyone!


Deidra Marie


Anonymous said…
Love love love this! Such a great outfit, girl!

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